Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões ()

Hérnia intercostal transdiafragmática após fratura espontânea de costelas secundária à crise de tosse

  • Alexandre Cruz Henriques,
  • Carina Rosa Malena,
  • Andréa Cristina Oliveira Freitas,
  • Jaques Waisberg,
  • Adilson Casemiro Pires

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 37, no. 1
pp. 078 – 080


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One case of transdiafragmatic intercostal hernia after intense coughing fit followed by rib fractures in patient with history of pneumonia is presented. He had a severe coughing fit, developed a right toracoabdominal hematoma and then a tumor that was gradually enlarging. Image exams confirmed the diagnosis. Treatment consisted of surgical repair with the use of a polypropylene prosthetic mesh. It is a rare type of hernia. Only four cases were found in literature. The sooner the disease is diagnosed and treated the better the prognoses will be since it will prevent hernia from strangulation and incarceration.
