International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development (Jun 2011)
Intensification of Rice Production Systems in Southeastern Nigeria: A Policy Analysis Matrix Approach
The Nigerian rice sector has made remarkable improvementin the last decade as production has increased significantlythereby reducing the gap between domestic supply and demand.In the last three decades, rice imports make up greater proportionof Nigerian imports as rice forms a structural component ofthe Nigerian diet. Past government inconsistent policies werenot successful in securing good market share for domestic riceproducers, hence producers suffered great losses. The recentresurgence of interest by the present administration to intensifydomestic rice production has yielded positive results. The objective of this study is to analyze and assess the costs andbenefits of intensification of rice production systems in southeastern Nigeria using a policy analysis matrix approach. MultiStage sampling technique was employed in selecting 75 uplandand 75 lowland rice farmers who were interviewed withstructured and validated questionnaire. Data were analyzedusing Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The result shows thatupland; lowland and double rice cropping systems in southeasternNigeria are profitable based on the policy analysis matrix(PAM) model, and rice production under various systems andtechnologies is socially profitable and financially competitive.While there exist comparative advantage in the variousproduction systems, with lowland and double cropping beinghighest, substantial tax was imposed on rice imports in Nigeriaand government investment in intensifying rice productionhad a positive impact on the output of local rice production.The study concludes with strategies for the development ofrice sub sector in Nigeri