Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Sep 2020)
東南亞區域高等教育發展對我國人才交流政策之啟示 Influence of Southeast Asia’s Higher Education Development on Taiwan’s Talent Exchange Policy
為積極拓展臺灣與東南亞區域之連結,2016 年蔡英文總統在就任後提出新南向政策,希望重新定位臺灣的區域角色,並與區域國家共享資源、人才及市場,建立新興合作模式。本研究以為在人才為國家競爭力重要指標之二十一世紀,如何有效延攬人才成為各國的重要課題,尤其是具備各項流動優勢之國際學生,不僅被視為二十一世紀的重要勞動力來源,更是國際間積極網羅的人才。因此,本研究以東南亞國家協會所領頭的東南亞區域為研究範疇, 探討區域國際學生流動情況,同時透過文件分析與深度訪談,試歸結東南亞區域國家延攬國際人才之具體策略供我國參考運用,並以此檢視我國現行新南向人才交流政策之作為與利基。本研究發現,有鑑於區域經濟崛起,部分東南亞國家正以經濟潛能翻轉國際學生流動市場之地位,猶如世界體系理論中所論:「核心─半邊陲─邊陲」的國家關係為相對且會變動的,在區域尺度流動變革之際,東南亞區域國家積極以政府作為主導力量推行相關措施,此點為我國推行人才交流政策可參照學習之處。尤其在區域國家興起之際,我國更應積極瞭解區域國家需求,提供區域國家發展協助及學生流動所需,方能在區域興起之趨勢下,掌握機會並奠定我國在國際學生市場之優勢與地位。 To actively strengthen the relationship between Taiwan and Southeast Asia, Taiwan launched the New Southbound Policy after the inauguration of President Tsai Ing-Wen’s administration in 2016. The policy aims to reposition Taiwan's critical role in Southeast Asia and share regional resources, talents, and markets with regional countries and establish a new cooperation mode. Especially when talent has become a primary indicator of national competitiveness in the 21st century, attracting talent has become an important issue for all countries. With knowledge and high mobility capabilities, since the 21st century, international students are regarded not only as key labor but also an important talent source in the global market. This study adopted Southeast Asia as the research area to explore the current changes and trends in international student mobility. Through documentary analysis and in-depth interviews, this study examined the current role and foundation of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy and identified specific strategies and recommendations that can be employed by Southeast Asian countries to recruit international talent. The study discovered that in response to economic rising, some Southeast Asian countries have changed their position in the global international student market. As world-system theory highlights, the relationships between core, semi-periphery, and periphery countries are relative and changeable. Notably, Southeast Asian countries have actively implemented relevant measures, with the government as the leading force; this can serve as a reference for Taiwan to promote talent exchange policies. At a time when regional countries are emerging, Taiwan should actively meet their needs and provide assistance to utilize this opportunity to reposition Taiwan in the international student market in response to regional countries rising to prominence.