Mitochondrial DNA. Part B. Resources (Jul 2018)
The first complete chloroplast genome of Pteris vittata (Pteridaceae), an arsenic hyperaccumulating fern
It is the first report on complete chloroplast genome of Pteris vittata, an arsenic hyperaccumulating fern. Its genome size is 154,130 bp, with a typical circular structure including a large single-copy (LSC) (82,623 bp) and a small single-copy (SSC) (20,957 bp) regions separated by a pair of inverted repeats (25,275 bp each). The plastome encodes 132 genes, including 87 protein-coding genes, 35 tRNA genes, eight rRNA genes, and two pseudogenes. The overall Guanine+Cytosine (GC) content is 41.7% and GC content in the IR regions is higher than in the LSC and SSC regions. Maximum likelihood (ML) tree indicated that P. vittata was clustered with Ceratopteris richardii.