Acta Biologica Sibirica (Dec 2021)
New discoveries of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) from the extreme southwest of the Russian Far East – result of climate impact?
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New founds of 4 species of East Asian Geometridae: Megabiston plumosaria (Leech, 1891), Photoscotosia lucicolens (Butler, 1878), Callabraxas fabiolaria (Oberthür, 1884), and Dysstroma cinereata (Moore, 1867) in the extreme southwest of the Russian Far East are presented and discussed due to the actual distribution and its current trends. From them Ph. lucicolens is recorded from Russia and China (Jilin) for the first time. Identity of specimens of "Photoscotosia atrostrigata" and "Dysstroma cinereata" in Barcode of Life Database is revised to Ph. lucicolens and Paradysstroma corussaria (Oberthür, 1880) respectively. These founds probably indicate northern expansion of ranges of geometrid moth in accordance with the current climatic trend of global warming. Potential harmfulness of M. plumosaria in RFE is assumed. The validity of Dysstroma cinerea cesa Koçak & Kemal, 2001, as a substitute name for Dysstroma cinereata japonica (Heydemann, 1929) is substantiated.