Модернизация, инновация, развитие (Jul 2024)
Determination of the role and factors of technopolis development in the economic security of the depressed regions
Purpose: is to develop the integrated approach to assessing and determining the role and factors of technopolis development in the context of improving economic security of the depressed region.Methods: to analyze the current state of technopolis development in the Russian Federation, the comprehensive multi-component methodological approach was developed, including qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as statistical methods of data interpretation. This approach was applied to assess the technopolis development of 14 science cities in Russia, the results of which were presented in the form of the composite index heat map. The source of initial data is Rosstat.Results:the study analyzed the evolution of the technopolis concept from the late 19th century to the present. This made it possible to identify the key factors influencing the transformation of scientific and innovation ecosystems. In particular, it was found that modern technopolises in Russia are often the result of renaming or transformation of existing science cities. In the context of economic security of the depressed regions, the factors influencing technopolis development were analyzed. Special attention was paid to the science city of Biysk, located in the largest depressive region of the country – Altai Krai.Conclusions and Relevance: the study showed that technopolises can act as catalysts of economic revival of the depressed regions. However, it also revealed the risks of creating socio-economic imbalances, which indicates the need for a differentiated approach when implementing technopolis projects in the such regions. The results of the study can be used to develop strategies for the management and development of technopolises, as well as to improve the economic security of the depressed regions. The main directions of further research may include analyzing the relationship between technopolis development and economic security, as well as the development of specific management and financing mechanisms.