Survey of the Actual Practices Used for Endoscopic Removal of Colon Polyps in Korea: A Comparison with the Current Guidelines
Jeongseok Kim,
Tae-Geun Gweon,
Min Seob Kwak,
Su Young Kim,
Seong Jung Kim,
Hyun Gun Kim,
Sung Noh Hong,
Eun Sun Kim,
Chang Mo Moon,
Dae Seong Myung,
Dong-Hoon Baek,
Shin Ju Oh,
Hyun Jung Lee,
Ji Young Lee,
Yunho Jung,
Jaeyoung Chun,
Dong-Hoon Yang,
Eun Ran Kim,
Intestinal Tumor Research Group of the Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases (KASID)
Jeongseok Kim
Department of Internal Medicine, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
Tae-Geun Gweon
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
Min Seob Kwak
Department of Internal Medicine, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
Su Young Kim
Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea
Seong Jung Kim
Department of Internal Medicine, Chosun University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea
Hyun Gun Kim
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Sung Noh Hong
Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Eun Sun Kim
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Digestive Disease and Nutrition, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Chang Mo Moon
Department of Internal Medicine, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Dae Seong Myung
Department of Internal Medicine, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea
Dong-Hoon Baek
Department of Internal Medicine, Pusan National University School of Medicine and Biomedical Research Institute, Pusan National University Hospital, Busan, Korea
Shin Ju Oh
Department of Gastroenterology, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
Hyun Jung Lee
Department of Internal Medicine, Liver Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Ji Young Lee
Health Screening and Promotion Center, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Yunho Jung
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea
Jaeyoung Chun
Department of Internal Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Dong-Hoon Yang
Department of Gastroenterology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Eun Ran Kim
Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Intestinal Tumor Research Group of the Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases (KASID)
Background/Aims: We investigated the clinical practice patterns of Korean endoscopists for the endoscopic resection of colorectal polyps. Methods: From September to November 2021, an online survey was conducted regarding the preferred resection methods for colorectal polyps, and responses were compared with the international guidelines. Results: Among 246 respondents, those with <4 years, 4-9 years, and ≥10 years of experience in colonoscopy practices accounted for 25.6%, 34.1%, and 40.2% of endoscopists, respectively. The most preferred resection methods for non-pedunculated lesions were cold forceps polypectomy for ≤3 mm lesions (81.7%), cold snare polypectomy for 4-5 mm (61.0%) and 6-9 mm (43.5%) lesions, hot endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) for 10-19 mm lesions (72.0%), precut EMR for 20-25 mm lesions (22.0%), and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for ≥26 mm lesions (29.3%). Hot EMR was favored for pedunculated lesions with a head size <20 mm and stalk size <10 mm (75.6%) and for those with a head size ≥20 mm or stalk size ≥10 mm (58.5%). For suspected superficial and deep submucosal lesions measuring 10-19 mm and ≥20 mm, ESD (26.0% and 38.6%) and surgery (36.6% and 46.3%) were preferred, respectively. The adherence rate to the guidelines ranged from 11.2% to 96.9%, depending on the size, shape, and histology of the lesions. Conclusions: Adherence to the guidelines for endoscopic resection techniques varied depending on the characteristics of colorectal polyps. Thus, an individualized approach is required to increase adherence to the guidelines.