Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Jan 2010)
Analysis of remuneration systems in small and medium enterprises
Submitted article is focused on the problem of employees’ remuneration. It investigates the importance of remuneration systems at management of companies. The article deals with factors influencing employees, their motivation for reaching company´s goals, and with company remuneration systems as well. The observed topic was, is and will be still actual because increasing of employees´ performance in connection with concurrent effort for quality employees maintenance is very demanding managerial task in every stage of company´s development. Last, but not the least, it is necessary to realize that remuneration systems should lead not only to increase in company´s performance, but they should support especially the reaching of company´s goals. In present, increasing the value of company is possible to be considered as the highest company´s goal. Increase of company´s value can be ensured also by the means of value based remuneration as an important and effective tool of value based management. Because it is a tool which is relatively new and not experienced in the Czech environment, the focus is directed on it as well in the article. Then, the aim of the article is to provide complex view on the problem of importance of remuneration systems in small and middle sized companies in the South Moravian Region.