Rev Rene (May 2013)

Understanding the meaning of old human beings living their autonomy in hospitalization

  • Marisa Basegio Carretta,
  • Luiz Antonio Bettinelli,
  • Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann,
  • Giovana Dorneles Callegaro Higashi,
  • José Luís Guedes dos Santos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 2


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The aging population is a challenge to society and health professionals. This qualitative study aimed to understand the experiences of the elderly in relation to their autonomy during hospitalization. We interviewed eleven seniors, who were hospitalized in two hospitals in the northern Rio Grande do Sul between April and October, 2010. Data were collected through interviews and analyzed based on the phenomenological reference. The results highlighted the experiences and meanings of hospitalization, and built the categories: experiencing vulnerability, living with professional paternalism and becoming aware of the relative autonomy. From the categories, a phenomenon emerged: Emerging vulnerability and dependence on professionals as limiting the autonomy of the elderly hospitalized. The results encourage professionals to seek new care strategies in order to allow the elderly to exercise their autonomy during hospitalization.
