Dictamen Libre (Jul 2020)

Dictamen Libre | No. 27: Julio –Diciembre 2020 | p.p. 269-294| Universidad Libre BarranquillaTowards educability mediated by the PARCEmodel as a social-emotional strategy

  • Sandra Kelly Yepes Gomez

Journal volume & issue
no. 27


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This article comes from the research entitled: Educability mediated by the PARCE model as a social-emotional strategy in the classrooms of local public educational institutions. Its main objective was this: to identify the impact of teachabilityand educability generated by this pedagogical proposal, and how its effect is evidenced in the local school system of the department of Quindío, Colombia. To achieve this, it is necessary to delve deeper into the problems presented by practicum teachers in the public institutions of the area under study, within the framework of teachability, which allows proposing other didactic perspectives in pedagogical activities, as an input to promote learner’s emotional development and social skills. To this end, itis necessary to identify the problematic situations in classrooms that directly or indirectly affect school performance and environment in educational institutions.
