Scientific African (Mar 2025)

Geological controls on gold mineralization of the Nyangboué prospect in the southern part of the Boundiali-Syama belt, northwest Ivory Coast

  • Lipoublida Djagre,
  • Kio Ali,
  • Louis Kouassi Kra,
  • Barthélémy Gnammytchet Koffi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27
p. e02584


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The Nyangboué gold prospect, situated in the Boundiali-Syama belt in northwest Ivory Coast, presents a significant target for understanding gold mineralization in West Africa. Through detailed mapping, petrography, and geochemical analyses of host rocks, this study investigates the geological factors controlling gold mineralization in the area. The result show that gold is hosted within a metasedimentary sequence, comprising meta-conglomerates, meta-graywackes, schists, and slates, which have undergone greenschist facies metamorphism. Three main deformation events influence the mineralization: D1 compressive tectonics linked to S1 schistosity, D2 transcurrent deformation characterized by faulting and shear zones associated with S2 schistosity, and D3 transcurrent deformation producing schistose layering with S3 schistosity. Gold and associated metallic minerals, including sulfides (e.g., pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, and galena) and oxides (e.g., magnetite and hematite), are found within quartz-carbonate veins and disseminated throughout the host rocks. Gold mineralization correlates with the D2 deformation phase, with structural controls trending N-S to NNE-SSW. High-grade disseminated mineralization is most prevalent in slates and schists, whereas vein-hosted mineralization dominates in meta-conglomerates. This study enhances understanding of the structural and lithological controls on gold mineralization in the Boundiali-Syama belt, with implications for regional exploration strategies.
