Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Акмеология образования: Психология развития (Sep 2024)

Axiological characteristics of the teacher with a tutor’s viewpoint

  • Krivun, Mariya Pavlovna

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 3
pp. 275 – 284


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The relevance of the research is due to the trends developing in the Russian education that are connected with updating the approaches and principles of the pedagogical activity based on tutorship ideas. The formation of a new pedagogical profession of a tutor in mass educational practice has objectifi ed the problems associated with a unifi ed understanding of the key categories of tutoring by the pedagogical community. These categories determine the essence and peculiarities of professional tutoring. The purpose of the study is to identify the axiological characteristics of the teacher with a tutor’s viewpoint, revealing the specifi cs of the tutor’s interaction with students and distinguishing the profession of a tutor among other pedagogical professions. The following methods (tools) were used: the review of psychological and pedagogical literature, content analysis, comparison, juxtaposition, generalization, schematization and systematization of the materials on the problem under analysis. The research methodological basis is built on scientifi c works considering the categories ‘viewpoint’ and ‘professional viewpoint’, studying the essence and peculiarities of the teacher’s tutoring viewpoint. Results: the concept of the ‘viewpoint’ is defi ned as a system of opinions, principles, and a person’s attitudes to certain aspects of reality, manifested in their behavior and actions. One of the signifi cant aspects of a person’s position is their professional views, which determine the trajectories of life and the professional path. The comparative analysis of researchers’ views on the professional viewpoint in the aspect of one’s pedagogical activity has made it possible to identify the correlation between the pedagogical viewpoint and the level of one’s professional development. The teacher’s viewpoint based on the ideas of tutorship is considered as a specifi c culture of the pedagogical activity grounded on the ideas of anthropologization and individualization of education. The author proposes the understanding of such categories as ‘a teacher as a tutor’, ‘a teacher with a viewpoint of a tutor’, ‘a teacher with the tutor competence’. On this basis the study distinguishes the principal vectors of one’s professional development in the fi eld of tutoring. Main conclusions: the singled out and theoretically substantiated axiological characteristics of the teacher with a tutor’s viewpoint allow it to be identifi ed among other pedagogical positions and roles as well as to determine the place and purpose of the new profession of a tutor in modern education. Practical significance: the results obtained can be used as meaningful and axiological guidelines in the construction of a system of vocational education in the fi eld of tutoring and the development of educational programs for the professional training of tutors.
