Scientific Reports (Dec 2024)

Photosynthetic response of Solidago gigantea Aition and Calamagrostis epigejos L. (Roth) to complex environmental stress on heavy metal contaminated sites

  • Wojciech Bąba,
  • Agnieszka Kompała-Bąba,
  • Edyta Sierka,
  • Wojciech Bierza

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 1
pp. 1 – 20


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Abstract Studies of in situ plant response and adaptation to complex environmental stresses, are crucial for understanding the mechanisms of formation and functioning of ecosystems of anthropogenically transformed habitats. We study short- and long-term responses of photosynthetic apparatus (PSA) and anti-oxidant capacity to complex abiotic stresses of common plants Calamagrostis epigejos and Solidago gigantea in semi-natural (C) and heavy metal contaminated habitats (LZ). We found significant differences in leaf pigment content between both plant species growing on LZ plots and their respective C populations. The average values of leaf chlorophyll indexes were 27% lower in the LZ populations of both species and significantly lower in Sg plants in comparison to Ce ones. The average values of the anthocyanin index in CeLZ and SgLZ populations were significantly higher (by 18%) than in their respective controls. In both Ce and Sg plants occurring on LZ plots, the average leaf flavonol indexes were higher than on their controls by 31% and 15% and this index was significantly higher in SgLZ population than CeLZ and CeC plants (by 34% and 54%, respectively). Both Ce and Sg populations growing on LZ plots showed significantly lower photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E) and stomatal conductance (g s ) in comparison to controls. On the other hand, a significantly higher photosynthetic rate was detected in SgLZ than in CeLZ populations. The catalase activities were significantly higher than recorded in Sg than in Ce tissues, irrespective of the plot type. They were also higher in LZ populations than those in controls for both species. Moreover, the H2O2 content in Sg tissues was significantly higher than those in Ce. Hydrogen peroxide content in CeLZ and SgLZ were respectively 39% (non-significant) and 57% higher, compared to their controls. The reverse pattern was found in the case of MDA, whose concentration was significantly higher in the leaves of Ce population compared to the control population. The average MDA concentration in CeLZ populations was 17% higher than in the CeC. In the case of Sg no significant differences were found. Mechanisms of plant species adaptation to industrial areas are crucial for species selection and planning effective reclamation of them. The analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence induction curves as well as well as the results of JIP test revealed the decreased of Fj value despite positive ΔK–band in SgLZ and CeLZ plants suggesting the increased rate of electron transfer from QA to QB at the acceptor side of PSII, thus a high quantity of P680+ and/or effective quenching by exogenous molecules. The increase in the I–P part of the induction curve typically attributed to the reduction of electron transporters (ferredoxin, intermediary acceptors, and NADP) of the PSI acceptor side was observed in both SgC and SgLZ but not in CeLZ populations. These changes demonstrate species-specific effects on electron transport during the light phase of photosynthesis under complex environmental stress. Our results show that Sg and Ce individuals developed a range of structural and functional adaptations to protect PSA against complex environmental stresses (possible combination of heavy metals, water deficiency, temperature, nutrient deficiency and salinity). Both species from LZ plots could tolerate high levels of Cd, Zn and Pb in leaf tissues. Therefore they can be potential candidates for use in phytoremediation of HM contaminated areas. However, further long-term field and experimental research on plant traits response and adaptation to complex environmental stresses on industrial habitats are needed.
