Sport Mont (May 2015)
In the education system of Kosova, frequent changes that have occurred in last 14 years, have demonstrated that the education system has tried to adjust to economic, social and cultural changes, etc. As these changes have not been studied well, they have influenced and are still influencing organization of physical education in schools as regards their quality and quantity. These changes have not provided desired results and are often regarded as experiments. Methods: When defining the time, this study has longitudinal empirical character and consists of two measures, the morphological and motoric indicators in the pupils of primary school and lower secondary school “Faik Konica”. This study involved 26 pupils in the age group of 15 years. 6 anthropometric and 4 motoric variables have been applied (Kurelić et al, 1975). Anthropometric variables included: body height (ATV), length of foot (ADS), body mass (ATT), volume of upper arm in down position (AONL), volume of tight (AONK), volume of lower leg (AOPK). Motoric variables included: standing distance jump (MFESDM), 30 meters distance running (MTR30V), bench bending (MFLPRK) and push-ups (MSKLEK). For data analysis t-test for dependent sample has been used. Results: Basic statistical parameters of the obtained results before and after the application of additional class of physical education indicate that the results have normal distribution, have no visible asymmetry and have tendency toward higher values of distribution (epikurtic). T-test analysis for dependent variable demonstrates that the obtained differences within all variables in the groups are statistically significant. Discussion: Physical activities and body exercises during sport education classes of three times per week have visible influence in development of morphologic parameters and motoric skills of pupils. Differences obtained based on the t-test analysis demonstrate a strong statistical difference for all variables applied, anthropometric and motoric for the value of p<0.05. It is well known that body activity has positive influence on health of pupils and represents significant factor for improvement of health. Therefore it is necessary to use different possibilities that sport offers so that the biggest number of pupils can find interest and motivation for voluntary involvement in some type of physical activity (Rusch and Weineck 1998).