VertigO (Jun 2011)
Vers une mise en débat des incertitudes associées à la notion de service écosystémique
The concept of ecosystem services – benefits supplied to human societies by ecosystems- is a fast spreading concept, both in scientific and political arenas. Because of this success, this concept is more and more used as a robust and stabilised concept, with a lack of recognition of the high uncertainties associated with it. This paper first highlights the scientific uncertainties concerning the socio-ecological dynamics of production of services. In many cases, scientific have no certainties about the cause-effect relationships between the state of an ecosystem and the effective production of a service, either because of a lack of knowledge on these relationships, either because the complex systems under study are by their nature unpredictable. The paper also underlines the importance of societal uncertainties associated with ecosystem services, due to the existence of diverse and sometimes contradictory perceptions among stakeholders, about the concept of service and the framing of human-nature relationships, and about the governance devices and tools using this concept, such as payments for environmental services. Based on a literature review, this papers shows that several communities of researchers take scientific uncertainties into account, but very few deal with societal uncertainties. We emphasize the need to develop methods aimed at confronting and integrating the diversity of stakeholders’ perceptions, interests and knowledge about ecosystem services and their dynamics, seeing trade-offs among ecosystem services as explicit collective and concerted choices.