Diagnostic Pathology (Sep 2012)

Methods of Improving Speech Intelligibility for Listeners with Hearing Resolution Deficit

  • Kupryjanow Adam,
  • Czyzewski Andrzej

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1
p. 129


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Abstract Methods developed for real-time time scale modification (TSM) of speech signal are presented. They are based on the non-uniform, speech rate depended SOLA algorithm (Synchronous Overlap and Add). Influence of the proposed method on the intelligibility of speech was investigated for two separate groups of listeners, i.e. hearing impaired children and elderly listeners. It was shown that for the speech with average rate equal to or higher than 6.48 vowels/s, all of the proposed methods have statistically significant impact on the improvement of speech intelligibility for hearing impaired children with reduced hearing resolution and one of the proposed methods significantly improves comprehension of speech in the group of elderly listeners with reduced hearing resolution. Virtual slides http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/2065486371761991