Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Jan 2010)
Spatial structure of forest stands Fageta paupera humilia in natural monument Máchova dolina
Natural Monument “Máchova dolina” represents a unique sample of dwarfed acidic beech forests in Chřiby hills (Buček, Lacina; 2002). It comprises more than 180 years old beech stand time, where according to certain characters (the basal part of deformation strain, frequent occurrence of damage) we can infer that, with the vegetation stool origin. As a result of adverse site conditions and the influence of origin to the emergence of the crop trees have a shape looks like an apple. Forest biocoenoses “Máchova dolina” is bounded to the board and limited site conditions ecosystem surface is less than 0.5 ha. As part of this unique site was established a permanent research area rectangle of dimensions 50 × 100 meters and by the Field-Map technology has been carried out measurements dendrometric variables (see below). The aim of the research was to compare different spatial structures (a total of 4 plots) in beech forest stands in Chřiby hills and knowledge of the functional effects of structurally variant types of forest.The measurement was based on „The methodology of research dynamics of natural forests left spontaneous development“ (Vrška et al., 2006). When measurements are distinguished tree concepts and strain. The tree indicates the individual, which consists of one or more strains. Focus and describe all strains with DBH of at least 10 cm with bark. For each strain is aimed its location, DBH, height, high-pitched crown, crown projection, set the species of trees and nature of health. In addition to living trees and stumps are aimed „dead wood“, stumping for distinguishing their origin, whether it arose naturally (break) or artificially (harvesting), all aimed „dead wood“ must originate in the area.The permanent research “Máchova dolina” area the size of 0.5 hectares has been targeted 146 trees. Diameter breast height (DBH) ranging from 10–72 cm; most tribes are represented with DBH between 30–39 cm. Most site conditions reflects vegetation height. Height of trees ranged from 2.5 m to 31.5 m, most often in the range of 15–20 m. For comparison, can be as old stands in a nature reserve on a set of “Holý kopec” forest types 3B, where the average height of vegetation around 38 m (max. 45 m). Surface projections are mostly CZK range of 30–50 m2. Although the vegetation time and even get involved exposure provides sufficient sunshine is no natural vegetation regeneration.The aim of this article is description of spatial stand structure in natural monument Máchova dolina in Chřiby hills.