E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2020)
Test laboratory studies of refractory gold-bearing ores of Magadan Region from the standpoint of their processing by heap leaching
The main prospects for the development of gold mining in the Kolyma area are associated with the development of ore deposits. In the southwestern part of the Tenkinsk District and in Susuman District, there are gold deposits (Pavlik, Natalka and Degdekan), which belong to the low-sulfide formation. There are some areas of poor oxidized and low-sulphide ores, the concentration of which by gravity and flotation methods becomes ineffective. At present, at the level of laboratory research and experimental field tests, some low-cost technologies for rapid and activated heap leaching of gold from poor oxidized and low sulfide ores have been developed, and they are capable to be implemented in the harsh conditions of Magadan Region. This paper describes laboratory tests of 2 types of ores from deposits in the northeastern part of Magadan Region, carried out to develop an effective cyanide technology for gold heap leaching. The studies were carried out in the laboratory of the Insitute of Mining of FarEastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Transbaikal State University.