Психология и право (Jun 2016)
Forensic psychological expertise in cases of compensation of moral harm in the Russian Federation
The article presents a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the production of psychological and psychiatric examination for compensation of damage caused to other persons in the UK (described in the article by Hugh Koch, published in the current issue of the journal) and Russia. It is shown that the principles of judicial psychological-psychiatric expert study and the requirements for expert opinion in both countries include psychopathological and psychological research using the international diagnostic classifications, comparative analysis of subjective complaints of the plaintiff with medical documentation, use of valid and reliable methods of research, completeness and validity of the expert opinion. The main requirements for the expert are its independence and professional competence. And in Russia and the UK discussed the subject of forensic examinations are negative changes of the mental state of plaintiff, the victim from harm, which is revealed through the definition of their severity, duration, reversibility-irreversibility, as well as establishing a causal link between the traumatic event and these changes.