Балтийский регион (Jan 2011)

Osobennosti stoka biogennyh jelementov so slabo antropogenezirovannyh vodosborov bassejna Finskogo zaliva [The characteristics of the biogenic element of the runoff from the drainage areas of the Gulf of Finland basin experiencing a limited anthropogenic impact]

  • Tretyakov Victor,
  • Seleznev Denis

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1
pp. 71 – 77


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This article analyses characteristics of 25 rivers of the Gulf of Finland basin where the monitoring of the streamflow chemical composition was performed. The authors consider the dynamics of biogenic element content in the streamflow, the relation of the drainage areas to certain landscapes, the share of agricultural lands and tillage in the drainage areas, the forest-land percentage, a rural population density, and the forest age and type.
