Bìblìotečnij vìsnik (Jan 2020)
The Digitalization of the Library Fund of the National Agricultural Scientific Library of the NAAS of Ukraine - the Priority Area of its Storage and Representation
The article emphasizes the importance of introducing digital technologies into the practical work of national libraries. The author has identified the key legal, organizational and technical issues related to the organization of digitization of library holdings. The case study of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine shows the undeniable role of digitization processes in improving the efficiency of information and library and scientific support of agricultural production. With the development of the Internet and digital technologies, libraries forced to move beyond «statutory activity», transforming them selves into an open endless information world that creates greater opportunities for libraries to provide information to users. The National Agricultural Scientific Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine as a leading special library of national importance, the national sectoral depository of agricultural and forestry literature and the agricultural research and methodological center pursues to develop its activities according to the demands of the present. The institution creates its own electronic resource «UkrAgroteka» in order to ensure transparency of the fund and prompt access to it. The digitization is priority of the library. The researcher noted that the process of digitization of documents is preceded by timely expert evaluation of the status of rare and valuable publications, accounting of publications, the presence of a movement checklist of each original, etc. In digitalization the library’s important is adherence to the Law of Ukraine «On Copyright and Related Rights», international standards and formats for the purpose of future integration of these resources into the global information space and to ensure their safety and availability. The introduction of digital communications proves that as the library evolves, transforms and adapts to new conditions, the library remains a universal cultural and information phenomenon and occupies a prominent place in the development of society. The key to success in the work of the library is putting into practice, along with traditional, innovative forms of work. The introduction of digital technologies contributes to the creation of new industry products, values and, accordingly, become the basis of competitive advantage in most markets.