National Journal of Community Medicine (Sep 2023)
Analysis of the Influence of Environmental Health Interventions Based on The Health Belief Model (HBM) on the Risk Factors of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Benteng Village, Indonesia
Background: Palopo city is one of the endemic areas of DHF, which during the last 5 years DHF morbidity rate has fluctuated. One solution could be environmental health interventions, which aim to enhance disease prevention behavior through positive views based on powerful health messaging. Assessment of entomological indices (Container Index, Breteau Index, and House Index) which is one of risk factors for DHF incidents to see level of density of Aedes sp. larvae can help determine focus of vector control. This study wants to see whether there is an effect of environmental health interventions based on Health Belief Model (HBM) theory on risk factors for DHF. Methods: This research is an experimental study with a Quasy experimental design using One Group Pre-Post test design. The sampling technique is total sampling so that entire population is a sample of 71 houses. Data were analyzed using Mc Nemar test. Results: Result indicated that perceived susceptibility (p value = 0.021), perceived severity (p value = 0.000), perceived benefits (p value = 0.001), perceived barriers (p value = 0.000) and behavior to prevent contact vector (p value = 0.015) were all influenced by environmental health intervention, the entomological index Container Index (CI) was in the low group of moderate, whereas Breteau Index (BI) and House Index (HI) were in the high category of moderate. This indicates that HBM-based environmental health interventions can lower the density of larvae. Conclusion: Environmental health interventions based on HBM can be recommended as an effort to reduce the risk factors for DHF.