Ambigua (Dec 2015)

El erotismo patriarcal en la autoficción Le voile mis à nu / El velo al desnudo de Badia Hadj Nasser

  • María Katjia Torres Calzada

Journal volume & issue
no. 2
pp. 74 – 95


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This article discusses the weight of patriarchy on account of autofictional novel Le voile mis à nu/El velo al desnudo from the perspectives of gender and psychoanalysis and its influence on the search for the identity of the main character –a Muslim Moroccan woman of the secondhalf of the twentieth century. We focus on the structural and discursive aspects of the work from the genderparadigm of difference as well as on the treatment of sex-typed division of patriarchy, identity, construction of sexed-body, representation of femininity and sexual practices, to shed light on these central concepts in feminist theory and its link among them, as are issues not yet addressed by literary critics regarding this novel. We examine from various aspects of Freud ́s psychoanalytic theories the aspects of literary creator and fantasy, fiction, symbols and archetypes allows a better understanding of the writer woman ́s experience, her socio-culture and Islamic patriarchal context and her phallogocentric speech. In order to contextualize the important aspects that facilitate the understanding of this autofictional novel, we analyze the Francophone Moroccan novel evolution from its origins to the early twentieth century, especially on the created by women during the second half of the century. We present the assessment made by the French literary critic and French-speaking North African both the author and her novel and finally we develop a detailed study of it from the proposed approaches. This analysis leads to the conclusion that innovative structural and transgressor aspects of thisnovel contain a phallogocentric speech in the treatment of those concepts
