Revista Ciencias de la Salud (Apr 2008)
COPD: Concept of the Outpatients and Theirs Physicians in Relation with the Handling and Attention
Purpose. To analyze the concept of the outpatientswith COPD and theirs physicians in apublic hospital of Bogota, in relation to educational,pharmacological and non pharmacologicaltreatment, according to GOLD.Method. Qualitative descriptive study, exploratorytype, developed through semi structuredinterviews for eight (8) physicians andsixty one (61) outpatients with COPD.Results. Patients agree with the short explanationof the physician or health profesionalsabout the treatment they are receiving, therecommendations for the handling of their diseaseand the absence of questions about theirpersonal, social, mental or nutritional life. Thepatients refer that medical treatment focuses inthe present symptoms. On the other hand, 90% of the doctors manifest to know the standards ofthe GOLD, but the time, volume of consultationand availability of institutional resources, as wellas the low social, cultural and economic level ofthe affected population and its commitment,makes difficult its application.Conclusions. The study shows disadvantagesin the patient’s attention either by the shortageof resources, the small infrastructure, lackof prevention and promotion actions, or thecharacteristics of the Public Health System, aswell as diminished accessibility to pulmonary rehabilitation programs. The development ofeducative activities is very limited in the providedplan of attention, there is no control offactors that influence in the health state of thesepeople, and there are no actions that treat favorablythe participation of social, productive andgovernmental actors that benefit the attentionof these patients.