Case Reports in Gastroenterology (Sep 2011)
Gastric Juvenile Polyposis with High-Grade Dysplasia in Pachydermoperiostosis
Pachydermoperiostosis (PDP) is the primary form of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. It is a very rare disease consisting of pachydermia, digital clubbing and radiologic periostosis. Various digestive symptoms in PDP are seen in 11–49% of patients and juvenile polyps may be found at gastric endoscopy. We report here the history of a patient with PDP who was referred for assessment of severe anemia. Endoscopy of the upper digestive tract showed multiple polyps of the stomach with two huge lesions exhibiting foci of high-grade dysplasia. This observation suggests that PDP can be considered as a precancerous condition of the stomach and systematic screening using endoscopy should be considered in these patients.