Études Caribéennes (Dec 2023)
De la crise de l’éducation à l’éducation à la crise en Haïti
Haitian education is experiencing an interminable crisis stemming basically from two main factors: the problem of political and administrative governance and the weakness of the resulting educational policies. Another crisogenic factor is the initial choice to base this education on an experience of acculturation where learners have always been forced to be educated in French, a language they don’t practise, while they are fluent in Creole, their first language. This acculturation comes in particular from the fact that the first educators and heads of schools in Haiti were French who taught in French in the negation of Creole and who initiated the discourse of creolophobia which still persists today. But it is a pity that the takeover of the school by the nationals did not make it possible to regularize the situation. It therefore arises the need for an inculturation of the school, particularly on the linguistic field. It is obvious that the education system is in crisis, but that is not a fatality. On the contrary. Crises are a barometer that allows us to take the true pulse of the situation. They thus offer the opportunity for improvement, redefinition, adjustment, a new beginning. The problem is to be unable to get out of it or even to be able to recognize one’s critical situation as Haiti is experiencing it for several decades.