Acta Médica Costarricense (Mar 2013)

Caracterización de los tumores testiculares de células germinales según biopsias del servicio de patología. Hospital México, Costa Rica: enero 2003 a marzo 2011 Description of testicular germ cell tumors, according to biopsies from the department of pathology, Mexico Hospital, Costa Rica from january 2003 to march 2011

  • Julia Freer-Vargas,
  • Liannoy Konstantin,
  • Douglas Montero-Chacón

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 55, no. 1
pp. 31 – 34


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Justificación y objetivo: el 95% de los tumores testiculares son de células germinales. La presencia de estas neoplasias ha venido en aumento, y se han hecho más frecuentes en gente jóven. Los tumores testiculares de células germinales se dividen en dos grupos: seminomatosos y no seminomatosos. El objetivo fue caracterizar los con base en los resultados de biopsia del Patología del Hospital México, del 1º de enero del 2003, al 31 de marzo del 2011. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de una base de datos del servicio de Patología, en donde se seleccionaron los tumores testiculares de células germinales. En el análisis, se calcularon frecuencias absolutas, relativas, intervalos de confianza, medidas de dispersión y de tendencia central y Chi cuadrado pBackground: 95% of testicular tumors are germ cell tumors (TGCT). These neoplasms have increased in number and have become more common in young people. The TGCTs are divided into two groups: seminomatous and non-seminomatous. The objective is to describe the TGCT based on pathological biopsy results at the Mexico hospital from 1st january 2003 to 31st march 2011. Methods: A descriptive study of the department of Pathology database, from which the cases of TGCTs were selected. Within the analysis, absolute and relative frequencies, confidence intervals, measures of dispersion and central tendency were calculated. Chi-square p <0.05 was used for the trend. Results: 148 patients with germ cell tumors were selected. There was an increasing tendency in tumors with p <0.003. Out of the total number of cases, 60.2% (89), CI 95% (52.2-68.1), occurred in males younger than thirty years old. Non-seminomatous TGCTs occurred in 59.5% (88) of the cases, CI 95% (51.5-67.3). The average age of those with non-seminoma was 26.4 years; DE 8.1, and of those with seminoma was 31 years; DE 7.5, with a difference of p <0.001. Conclusions: There is a significant tendency towards the increase of TGCT, which is more frequent in patients under 30. The non-seminomatous TGCTs are the most frequent. The average age for non-seminomatous TGCTs is significantly lower than for the seminomatous. Limitations: incidences and prevalences were not calculated. Recommendations: to focus detection campaigns on the population at risk, and extend the study to other hospitals.
