Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement (Jan 2004)
Conditions de compétitivité des semences de pomme de terre produites en Tunisie
Competitiveness conditions of seed potato production in Tunisia. This work is an economic survey of the potato seed production in Tunisia from imported Elite class. Potato seed production in the studied regions ensures an average gross margin of 1717 Tunisian Dinars (TND)/ha and an average profit of 825 TND/ha for an average yield of 19 t/ha. Average production cost is estimated to be around 296 TND/t. The cost price of the produced seed after storage depends among others on the status of the stoker (Groupement Interprofessionnel des Légumes GIL, or private), the selling price, storage cost and the crop season (rear season, primer or season). Storage cost is the main component of seed costs for the cropping season. Under present prices and production techniques, price of imported potato seeds is more competitive compared to that of the seeds produced in Tunisia for season crops whether it is for the case of a professional organism GILor for season and primer crop in the case of private producers. Privatisation of potato seed production is therefore not envisageable.