National Journal of Laboratory Medicine (Jan 2024)
When Art Meets Science: Chromogenic Media- A Revolutionary Tool in Diagnostic Microbiology
The present and future in any field rely mainly on the strong fundamentals of the past. The best example of this is Rosalind Elsie Franklin, popularly known as the “Dark Lady of DNA” as she remained the most controversial female in the field of science. She was also known as the unsung hero of DNA because she was not promptly recognised for her contribution to the discovery of DNA [1]. The image “Photograph 51,” depicting the double helical structure of DNA using X-ray crystallography experiments, was a crucial finding in the discovery of the genetic structure [2]. She serves as the best role model for budding scientists, and the authors have portrayed her on the agar plate as a tribute to her priceless contribution, which has formed the basis of modern diagnostic microbiology