Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti : Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali (Sep 2011)
Conventional clear-sky aerosol retrievals: Do they work for cloudy days?
This presentation highlights different approaches to determine the aerosol properties between clouds and covers a broad range of related topics, including the passive aerosol remote sensing from space, in situ observations of aerosol aloft and at surface and numerical modeling of aerosol and cloud properties. Some of these approaches, which are still in research phase, can reduce substantially the impact of cloud-induced contamination on the cloudy-sky aerosol retrievals, while other can reduce uncertainties associated with aerosol hygroscopicity and enhanced relative humidity near cloud edges. The combination of these approaches for addressing outstanding issues of the cloudy-sky aerosol retrievals is also discussed.