Вопросы современной педиатрии (Jun 2020)
Child Mortality in Russia: Situation, Challenges and Prevention Aims
The reasons and dynamics of child mortality in Russian Federation during the XXI century are presented. The data of official statistics from Rosstat, World Bank and World Data Atlas have been analyzed. The following medical statistical regularities have been revealed: reduction of child mortality rate in the structure of total number of deaths in Russian population and infant mortality rate in the structure of child mortality; reduction of regional varieties of infant mortality rates; continued transfer of live births to stillborn births in some regions; external factors are also very significant not only in adolescents but also in infants. Priority areas for further reduction of child mortality in Russian Federation are provided: regional approach in the implementation of measures for reduction of child mortality; preventive measures aimed on reducing of genetic burden in population; full supply on the management of children with rare diseases by the government; establishment of the system for medical and social rehabilitation of children; implementation of the system of effective medical and social care for children with high social risk.