Journal of Orthodontic Science (Jan 2023)
An evaluation of dentofacial changes in Angle's class II division 1 patients using AdvanSync 2
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the study is as follows: To evaluate the dental and skeletal changes of the AdvanSync 2 appliance. To evaluate the soft tissue changes of the AdvanSync 2 appliance using photometric analysis. METHODS: The sample size consisted of 15 patients who reported to the Department of Orthodontics, seeking fixed orthodontic treatment. The effects of the AdvanSync 2 appliance were measured at two intervals. RESULTS: After the nine months, P values were observed to be less than 0.5, therefore statistically significant for parameters such as Sella-Nasion-Point A (SNA), Condylion-Point A (CO-A), University of Witwatersrand, Condylion-Gnathion (C0-Gn), point A-Nasion-Point B (ANB), Upper incisor-Point A (UI-A) (degree), LI-B (mm), Lower lip to Esthetic plane (LL-E plane), nasolabial angle, mentolabial angle, facial angle, and L lip to the chin. P values were however observed to be greater than 0.5, therefore statistically insignificant for parameters such as sella-Nasion-Point B (SNB), Condylion –gonion (C0-Go), UI A (mm), LI B (mm), UL-EPL, H LINE, Frankfurt mandibular plane (FMA), nose tip angle, nasofrontal angle, nasomental angle, upper lip angle, and U lip to the chin. CONCLUSIONS: AdvanSync 2 appliance brought about a change in Class II malocclusions through Co-Gn, Co-Go, ANB, FMA, UI-A (degree), UI A (linear) LI B (linear), Upper lip to Esthetic plane, LL-E plane, Holdaway LINE, nose tip angle, nasolabial angle, mentolabial angle, nasofrontal angle, nasomental angle, facial angle, upper lip angle, U lip to chin, L lip to the chin after nine months of appliance delivery. MAIN POINTS: AdvanSync 2 normalized class II by an increase in the length and body of the mandible. AdvanSync 2 has a restraining effect on the growth of the maxilla. AdvanSync 2 brings about positive soft tissue changes. The major disadvantage is the proclination of the lower incisors.