Perspectiva (Dec 2017)

Youth, work and school in precarious territories

  • Luciana Pedrosa Marcassa,
  • Soraya Franzoni Conde

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 35, no. 4
pp. 1296 – 1313


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This article discusses the relationship between youth, work and school based on research data on youth and schooling developed between 2014 and 2016 in 10 public schools located in the Morro da Cruz massif (Florianópolis, SC), a geopolitically segregated and peripheral region, located in the center of the city. Data are collected through bibliographic studies, document analysis, application of questionnaires and focus groups. The analyzes produced so far show that the work is central to the life of the young people researched as much to strengthen the relation with the school, considering the professional and life projections, as for dialectically competing with time of studies outside the school space.
