Medisan (Dec 2019)

Contribution of the pedagogicalal investigations to the Cuban medical education

  • María Eugenia García Céspedes,
  • Homero Calixto Fuentes González,
  • Elio Zaldívar Álvarez,
  • Josefa Bell Castillo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 6
pp. 1045 – 1057


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Introduction: The challenges of higher education in the area of the medical sciences need a new approach, based on the principles of excellence, quality and pertinence; so the importance of the pedagogical investigations for the continuous improvement of the teaching-educational process in the medical education. Objectives: To determine the main contributions of the pedagogical investigations in the Cuban medical education. Methods: A descriptive and pedagogical investigation of 80 theses, obtained from the Infomed doctoral thesis repository, was carried out from January to December, 2017. Results: In the study, theses to obtain the scientific degree of Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences prevailed, with 65 of them, and 50.0% of the dissertations corresponded to the didactics of higher education. Likewise, the theoretical and practical contributions that develop methodological potentialities were remarkable and, at the same time, they contribute to the logical training of professionals, with which their pedagogical essence was revealed. Conclusions: A future vision in training the professionals was projected, with the necessary potentialities for their performance, a humanist character and the pertinent ethical framework to satisfy health necessities in Cuba and in other countries.
