Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Nov 1993)

Relatıonshıps Between Aırway Adequacy And Vertıcal Cranıofacıal Confıguratıon In Subjects Wıth Dıfferent Cervıcal Postures

  • M. Murat Özbek,
  • Dilek Erdem

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 2
pp. 160 – 168


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Natural head posture cephalograms of 99 subjects (54 females, 45 males) in the age range of 19–29 years were used to examine the associations between airway adequacy and vertical craniofacial configuration, in three groups comprising subjects with “average cervical posture”, “forward cervical posture” and “vertical cervical posture”. Groups were formed by using the postural angles OPT. HOR and CVT. HOR. Beside the conventional measurements, an analysis based on natural head position was used for the interpretation of the facial pattern. Results revealed that the cephalometric measurements indicating nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal airway adequacy exhibited statistically significant correlations (Pearson's “r”) with the vertical craniofacial pattern in groups comprising subjects with forward and vertical cervical postures, whereas, in the avarage cervical posture group, the associations were found to be very few and low.
