Window of Health (Jul 2018)

Educational Interventions to Change Behavior of Adolescents About Reproductive Health Adolescents SMAN 11 South Sinjai

  • Zulkifli Rahman,
  • Muhammad Ikhtiar,
  • Sitti Patimah



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Adolescent reproductive health from 60 students acquired knowledge about reproductive health is still less well because it required the intervention of reproductive health education for adolescents. This research aims to analyze the influence of educational interventions to change the behavior of adolescents about the reproductive health of teenagers. The methods used in this research was Quasi-Experimental Designs using's draft One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. This research was conducted 11 South Regency Sinjai SMAN Sinjai this research was conducted in March 2018, the instrument of this research material, reproduction health education questionnaire, and pieces of inform consent. The population in this research as much as 342 students with a large sample of the minimum required were 55 people. The results of this study found that there is an influence of knowledge about adolescent reproductive health adolescents before and after the educational intervention is given with a value p-value = 0.000. There is the influence of teen attitudes about adolescent reproductive health before and after the educational intervention provided p-value = 0.000. There is the influence the actions of teenagers on teenage reproductive health before and after the educational intervention provided p-value = 0.000. There is the influence the behavior of adolescents about reproductive health adolescents before and after the educational intervention provided p-value = 0.000. Adolescent reproductive health education interventions provide a significant influence on the behavior of adolescent reproductive health in 11 Southern Sinjai SMAN. Emotional support from related parties is expected to be able to form a positive attitude. Health education is expected to be a routine monthly agenda implemented into schools.
