HOW (Dec 2011)

Code-switching to Know a TL Equivalent of an L1 Word: Request-Provision-Acknowledgement (RPA) Sequence

  • Edgar Lucero

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1
pp. 58 – 72


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This article focuses on the learner’s use of Code-switching to learn the TL (Target Language) equivalent of an L1 word. The interactional pattern that this situation creates defines the Request-Provision-Acknowledgement (RPA) sequence. The article explains each of the turns of the sequence under the combination of the Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis and the Speech Act Analysis. The RPA sequence emerges from the analysis of a set of observations of EFL learners at university level. The insights of this study suggest that this RPA sequence presents pedagogical implications in the dynamics of classroom interaction and the way language learners and teachers negotiate meaning in class.
