Névtani Értesítő (Dec 2016)

A történeti személynévföldrajz mint a nyelvföldrajz egyik kutatási területe II. Névföldrajzi módszer a nyelvjárástani kutatásokban [The geography of historical personal names as a research area of geolinguistics. Part 2: Name geographic methods in dialectology]

  • N. Fodor, János

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 38
pp. 19 – 31


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The paper demonstrates how the results of research into Hungarian family name geo-graphy could be applied in dialectology, using personal names as examples. Name geographic research into Hungarian historical family names originating in common nouns may lead to conclusions regarding the history of Hungarian dialects. The paper examines family names derived from the word gólya ‘stork’ the name for the bird, or from its synonyms (Gólya, Czakó, Gagó, Eszterág), and the family name Gerencsér in this respect. The changes and connections – over the span of several centuries – between maps presenting the geography of a lexeme and those depicting the geography of a family name derived from the lexeme are illustrated with the help of the form variants of the family name Fazekas.
