Вісник Уманського національного університету садівництва (Dec 2016)
Under present conditions agriculture is characterized by huge energy consumption, especially because of soil organic compounds and fertilizer elements. Given dehumification, energy losses in agriculture are almost three times higher than their reclamation from applied fertilizers. Therefore, a regular restoration of its energy potential is necessary to obtain high productivity and provide a sustainable ecosystem. One such method is a regular application of fertilizers. Thus, a differentiated approach to the application of fertilizers is particularly important for balanced plant nutrition in order to obtain their greatest productivity taking into account soil sufficiency of available forms of fertilizer elements, biological features of crops and soil and climatic factors. The complete refusal of mineral fertilizers, which is sometimes proposed as one possible way to develop agriculture, causes a sharp reduction of production and increase of its cost. Therefore, the only true solution is not a refusal of application, but fundamental improvement of technology of fertilizer usage and applying their optimal doses and ratios. It is found that a rational ratio between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and other fertilizer elements promotes normal processes of photosynthesis. Also, it facilitates recycling and migration of carbohydrates, reduction in content of “harmful” nitrogen mainly due to intensive synthesis of protein nitrogen, thereby improving the quality of sugar beet root crops. Thus, levels-parameters of sugar beet nutrition and a relative removal of nutritional chemicals by different hybrids of this crop must be clarified for conditions of a particular region and soil fertility.