Limit Cycles of a Class of Perturbed Differential Systems via the First-Order Averaging Method
Amor Menaceur,
Salah Mahmoud Boulaaras,
Amar Makhlouf,
Karthikeyan Rajagobal,
Mohamed Abdalla
Amor Menaceur
Laboratory of Analysis and Control of Differential Equations “ACED”, Departement of Mathematics, University of Guelma, P.O. Box 401, Guelma 24000, Algeria
Salah Mahmoud Boulaaras
Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences and Arts ArRass, Qassim University, AI-Qassim, Saudi Arabia
Amar Makhlouf
Departement of Mathematics, Annaba University, Box. 12 El Hadjar, Annaba, Algeria
Karthikeyan Rajagobal
Center for Nonlinear Systems Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, India
Mohamed Abdalla
Mathematics Department, College of Science, King Khalid University, Abha 61413, Saudi Arabia
By means of the averaging method of the first order, we introduce the maximum number of limit cycles which can be bifurcated from the periodic orbits of a Hamiltonian system. Besides, the perturbation has been used for a particular class of the polynomial differential systems.