Journal of High Energy Physics (Mar 2023)
On K3-fibred LARGE Volume Scenario with de Sitter vacua from anti-D3-branes
Abstract In the context of type IIB superstring compactifications on K3-fibred (weak) Swiss-cheese Calabi Yau (CY) orientifolds, we consider the realisation of de Sitter vacua obtained through the introduction of an D 3 ¯ $$ \overline{D3} $$ -brane at the tip of a highly warped throat of Klebanov-Strassler type. Aiming to have a concrete global realisation, we perform a systematic search for the CY threefolds with 2 < h 1,1 < 5 arising from the Kreuzer-Skarke database, which satisfy the minimal requirements of being K3-fibred and suitable for moduli stabilisation within the LARGE Volume Scenario (LVS). In this context, after scanning the set of K3-fibred CY threefolds with a so-called diagonal del-Pezzo divisor needed for LVS, we realise that one of the main challenging requirements for having D 3 ¯ $$ \overline{D3} $$ -brane uplifting is to find a suitable orientifold involution which can simultaneously result in a sufficient large D3 tadpole charge along with the presence of suitable O3-planes. In our detailed analysis (limited to) using the CY threefolds with small h 1,1, we observe that these topological requirements rule out most of the CY geometries leading to only few possibly suitable candidates for the purpose of D 3 ¯ $$ \overline{D3} $$ -brane uplifting. Subsequently, we present a global model using one such explicit K3-fibred CY threefold with h 1,1 = 4 in which all the moduli can be consistently stabilised in a de Sitter minimum of the scalar potential.