Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Jan 2005)
Review: Aaron Ben-Ze'ev (2004). Love Online. Emotions on the Internet
This monograph, by Aaron ZE'EV, Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Emotions at the University of Haifa, deals with the peculiarities of romantic love and sexual desire on the Internet. The author interprets the topic as a special case within his research area, namely the study of emotions in everyday life. Online love and cybersex are conceptualized as ambivalent, if not paradoxical, phenomena. According to ZE'EV, computer-mediated interpersonal interactions provide an intermediate area of experiencing that lies between solitary fantasy and social reality. The author does not present new data, but refers to a variety of published papers, mostly based on personal narratives and semi-structured interviews. Due to unrestrained online experiences, ZE'EV predicts an increase in erotic and romantic flexibility that might degrade the institution of marriage. The book presents a fruitful overview of research from a philosophical point of view. The author's effort to conceptually systemize the experience of online love and cybersex unfortunately sometimes leads to simplification. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0501141