Jurnal Caraka Prabu (Dec 2024)
This research is entitled "Supervision of the Regional Inspectorate in the Management of Village Funds in Cianjur Regency". The problem in this research is that the Cianjur Regency Inspectorate lacks human resources in carrying out its supervision so that it is not yet effective and optimal. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Sources of data used in this study are informants. Data collection techniques used are literature and field studies, interviews and documentation. In the data analysis plan, the researcher uses analytical techniques as conclusion drawing and data verification. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the Supervision of the Inspectorate in the Management of Village Funds in Cianjur Regency, The theory used in this study is accoeding to Handoko (2003:363) is associated with the following dimensions : 1) Standards of Application, carried out by the Inspectorate are appropriate, implemented and carried out according to the rules and regulations. 2) Determination by the Inspectorate of measuring the implementation of standards as appropriate and appropriate in carrying out the stages that must be implemented. 3) Measurement of activity implementation by the Inspectorate is not appropriate because the observations carried out are not comprehensive in each village. 4) Comparison of Implementation with Standard Deviation Analysis, by the Inspectorate it is appropriate in its implementation because it is able to identify the causes of existing irregularities. 5) Taking Corrective Action by the Inspectorate is not appropriate because it is unable to provide strict sanctions but only recommendations for improvement.