Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi (Apr 2017)
Comparison of Self-Esteem and Body Image of Hearing Impaired Wrestlers and Hearing Impaired People Who Don’t Do Sports
This research was made in order to determine if doing sports contributed to the Self Esteemand Body Image of hearing impaired wrestlers in the level of national team and if it did, in what level this contribution was.40 Hearing Impaired top level male Wrestlers in the preparatory camp for Gearing Impaired World Championship in Iran between 6- 10 of May, 2016. In data collection, Coopersmith Self Esteem Scale and Body Image Perception Scale were used. In data analysis, SPSS 21.0 package program was used. For inter-group differences, independent t-test and interparameter Person Correlation analyses were made. In conclusion of this study, it was seen that the levels of self esteem and body image perception were higher in hearing impaired people doing sports compared to those who didn’t do sports. It was seen that the sport of wrestling affected the emotional qualities of hearing impaired individuals.