Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej (Dec 2014)

Многокомпонентные термины в функции ключевых слов в информационной базе славянского языкознания iSybislaw

  • Оксана A. [Oksana A.] Остапчук [Ostapchuk],
  • Мадина M. [Madina M.] Алексеева [Alekseeva]

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 49


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Multi-word terms as keywords in the iSybislaw database This article is devoted to the problem of the criteria on which multi­-word terms should be selected and verified for the bibliographic database of Slavic linguistics publications iSybislaw. The text is based on Russian and Polish linguistic material. Such criteria as actuality, frequency, transparency of form are applied separately in each language and different sets and variability of terms in the each case are established. The authors examine also the reasons of formal and semantic asymmetry between Polish and Russian terminological units in the database.
