Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea (Dec 2012)

Note sulla politica culturale del fascismo in Spagna (1922-1945)

  • Rubén Domínguez Méndez è Dottore Europeo in Storia Contemporanea; ha conseguito il titolo sotto la supervisione della Prof.ssa Elena Maza Zorrilla (Università di Valladolid) e del Prof. Maurizio Ridolfi (Università della Tuscia). È autore di numerosi articoli sulla politica culturale italiana all’estero, specialmente durante l’epoca fascista.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 4
pp. 1 – 21


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This paper analyzes the cultural policy developed by Italian fascism in Spain during the period between the seizure of power in Italy until the end of World War II. Through this policy the fascist regime developed his strategy of expansion and proselytism between Spanish society. Emerge, in this way, the interest of fascism for pushing Italian culture at the same level than the Great Powers. This project, however, was conditioned by the internal political development of Spain. The text analyzes the different vehicles used by Fascism: the Italian schools abroad, the Italian Institutes of Culture and programs of exchange and cultural cooperation.
