Journal of Agriculture and Food Research (Mar 2025)
Bio-functional, antibacterial, ACE and DPP-IV inhibitory activities of thyme, flax and apple pollen-peptides by controlled enzymolysis
In recent years, the chemical composition, bioactive compounds, and high nutritional value of flower pollen have made it known as ''perfect health food''. Therefore, in this study, the effects of different enzymes (Al-Alcalase, Pe-pepsin, Pa-pancreatin and Tr-trypsin) on nutritional value, the composition of amino acids, antioxidant properties, ACE, DPP-IV inhibitory and antibacterial activity of pollen protein of thyme (TP), flax (FP) and apple (AP) flowers were evaluated. Structural characteristics (conformational changed and amide regions of proteins) were identified by FTIR spectroscopy. The composition of antioxidant (∼20–24 %), and hydrophobic (∼36–40 %) amino acids, the ratio of EAA/TAA (∼45 %) and PER index (AP = 1.2–1.2; TP = 1.61–1.71 and FP = 1.68–1.81) were influenced by primary protein and enzyme type. The highest degree of hydrolysis (DH 34.4 %), inhibiting DPPH (86.1 %), ABTS (2.4 mM Trolox), OH (60.9 %), NO (33.6 %) radicals, reducing power (1.29), total antioxidant (1.83) and the chelation of Fe2+ (76.7 %) and Cu2+ (31.5 %) ions, ACE (67.9 %) and DPP-IV (64.6 %) inhibition were affected by the type of enzyme. Also, the greatest inhibition of the growth of Escherichia coli (∼24.7 mm) and Bacillus cereus (∼21.7 mm) was related to FP protein. Finally, TP-hydrolyzed with Alcalase can be considered as a suitable option for the production of beneficial products and the fortification of dietary supplements.