Walawalkar International Medical Journal (Jun 2020)

AcantholyticSquamous Cell Carcinoma of Scalp: A Rare Case Report

  • Bhushan M. Warpe,
  • Rahul Sakpal,
  • Shweta Joshi-Warpe,
  • Abhay Y. Desai,
  • Netaji R. Patil

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1
pp. 45 – 48


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Acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is an uncommon histopathological variant of SCC characterised by acantholysis of neoplastic cells, producing pseudo-lumina and appearance of glandular differentiation. It is also called pseudo-vascular adenoid SCC or pseudo-glandular SCC or pseudoangiosarcomatous SCC. This tumormimics the histopathological appearance of vascular neoplasm, particularly angiosarcoma.We describe a case of Acantholytic SCC in a fair-skinned 63 years old male construction worker to highlight the clinic-pathological features,as well as the recurrence and aggressivenessof this rare form of cutaneous SCC and demonstrate the difficulties in establishing the correct diagnosis.
