Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering (Sep 2023)
Fabrication and characterization of flexible microelectrode arrays for the long-term recording of mammalian brain slices
A profound understanding of brain disorders is essential for developing more effective treatments, targeted therapies, and reliable diagnoses. Electrical in vitro long-term and repetitive measurements give insight to neural activity of more complex neural circuits and, thus, into malfunctioning caused by illness. Flexible microelectrode arrays (flexMEAs) enable the recording of neural activity with promising spatial and temporal resolution over longer durations. The present study aims to combine the long-term recording by flexMEAs with the cultivation of brain slices inside an incubator. An 8 μm-thin flexMEA with up to 256 electrodes with 30 μm in diameter and interelectrode spacing of 200 μm was fabricated. Characterization showed uniform and reproducible electronic characteristics. Coating with PEDOT:PSS by electropolymerization formed stable low-impedance spectra. The platform is ready for future experiments with brain slices inside an incubator.