Transactions of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Apr 2016)
Elemental composition of thalli of the lichen Cladоnia stellaris under air pollution
The elemental composition of Cladonia lichens in areas affected by the Murmansk Region metal processing industry was investigated. Abnormally high levels of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Fe) were detected in lichens under this impact. Lichens can accumulate far greater amounts of heavy metals than coniferous trees and shrubs. Lichens actively accumulate trace elements – Co, Cd, Pb, As, Cr. The condition of lichens was assessed in protected areas – Lapland Biosphere Reserve and Pasvik Strict Nature Reserve. Comparative analysis of results from different periods was carried out. Recent surveys showed a reductionin the concentrations of Al, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cu in lichens in the impact zone of the Severonikel smelter (City of Monchegorsk) and of Fe in the Pechenganickel smelter impact zone (Nickel urban-type settlement). Continuing accumulation of nickel and copper in lichens in the Pechenganickel impact zone (15 km from the smelter) is due to persistent substantial emissions of nickel and copper compounds. Fe, K, P, S, Al, Cu, Ni are characterized by significant biogeochemical lability. Differences in the elemental composition were detected between lichens growing in the crown projection area and between crowns. In undisturbed plant communities lichens thalli groing in the crown projection area had elevated concentrations of K, P, Zn, Cu, whereas under air pollution – of Ca, Mn, Zn.